Science to Inspire


Why Does Mentoring Women in STEMM Matter?

Do you know what a Mentor is? A mentor is a person who, by choice, shares experience and takes an interest in the long-term advancement of a person to reach personal/professional fulfillment in life.Mentoring is not coaching.Mentoring can help build self-esteem and resilience and create a positive impact when involved in life-changing decision-making. So, why […]

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How Gratitude Keeps you Inspired and How Thankfulness is Positive for Business

Gratitude is a powerful word and a powerful strategy in business. Practicing gratitude changes your world and can positively change the world of others. Have you been kind to yourself and to others?Do you appreciate what you have, or are you constantly complaining about what you do not have? As time goes by, we get […]

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There is Something About Methane

Many initiatives, research, and ideas for measuring and understanding today’s methane emissions are being developed by many. Here are some: The International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO): an initiative by the UN Environment Program with the support of the European Commission that will provide near-real-time data on the locations and quantity of methane emissions. Peer-reviewed studies […]

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Our old changing climate, the new virus, you, and me

From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st- century climate change seemed to be in the thoughts of every person on the planet. Back in the late 1970s, when the ozone depletion in the Earth´s atmosphere was observed, scientists began to realize that life on Earth could be dramatically jeopardized. […]

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Goals of Science To Inspire


Science equals inspiration.

And with inspiration, a creative loop is set to
discover more.

That is why Science To Inspire is a space for
sharing many brilliant and paramount
scientific ideas that have been created with

Because sharing science made with passion
is influential.


“For me, science equals inspiration.

And with inspiration, a creative loop is set to discover more.

When I think about science, I think about DNA, proteins, viruses, marine plankton, food, water, oil, fossils, rocks, volcanos, plants, animals, humans, dinosaurs, energy, the Earth, the Sun, the Universe, and many other things. The list has no end. Discovering the way all these things are, is inspiring.  

That is why my main motivation is sharing many brilliant and paramount scientific ideas that have been created with passion.

My wish is to create bridges of communication between scientists and the rest of the world for sharing inspirational scientific work that shaped them to have the dedication they have today.

Because sharing science made with passion is influential.”


Dr. Gabriela Marcano is a scientist and engineer with over 20 years of experience in the energy business, specifically in geoscience, climate change, sustainability, material science, exploration geology, renewable energy, e-mobility, and energy storage.

She holds an engineering degree in geology from the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela), an MBA in Energy Management from the Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin, TU Berlin, Germany), and a Ph.D. in geoscience from the University of Potsdam (Universität Potsdam, Germany).

What distinguishes Dr. Marcano is her capacity to use an engineering or a scientific process when discerned. Extensive creativity, originality, and knowledge for solving unique problems through design or thorough investigation is a major strength that she possesses. Evidence is the several peer-reviewed articles that she has authored, her contributions to numerous international conferences, teaching and mentoring at universities, companies, and research institutions around the world. In addition, Dr. Marcano has been the recipient of numerous grants, honors, and awards given by different universities and international organizations.


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